Thursday, 8 January 2009

Writing skills self-studying

Hi, this time I have looked at academic writing skills web side.It is just an art to write in academic style(clear, concise, unambigous and accurate)! which I consider sometimes is easier for me in concerns of academic ideas. However, there is not pill or cake that gives us the clue to this magic world, no indeed, we have to work hard and what is more love it.I do!!. Simply, and easy, Be tentative: try no to show that you are the last in knowledge or truth in the topic, try using words like probable, the majority of etc. Be precise and specific with the ideas you want to convey using technical words. Avoid slang, third person pronoun and contractions, words should be written in full forms. Do not forget support facts with evidence. Passive voice, is important to remember that is not that much important who did the action, as what the action is. There are two tips I found useful during this reading that probably I was not fully aware of and they are: nominalised phrasing: is much better use more nouns (naming words) than verbs (actions or being words). But, be careful, not too much otherwise it will be to dense as more ideas and concepts are covered. ej: the structure of the protein was discovered in ... instead: the proteine's structure discovered in...And eventually the appropriate negative forms: as no, few and little.