Friday, 9 January 2009


Reading and understanding science. I have got all the answer right and found it easy to do.However, I had to use the dictionary for the word "Foul";example: foul-smelling.

Identifying points and expressing ideas. It was not a problem at all. I could understood the text quite well without use of dictionary and was available to pick out the main ideas in order to make notes. I understood the task and here is a summary of the article in my own words: (ongoing)

Express concepts and ideas in your own words. It has not been as easy as the previous tasks. Convey my ideas in my own words takes time and I consider that there is a long way to go on it. What factors can be seen to affect health? (about 175 words;ongoing)

Organise your writing so that the meaning of your argument or description is clear. Sometimes I have difficulties connecting different sentences and paragraphs. I can see that in English they just flow on each other using an appropiate linking word.There is always "signspots" at the beginner of each paragraph "the topic", with all other sentences leading on from this. I could understand and fill in the gaps in the text quickly and correctly. Here is a list of useful linking words taken from the text and own search.

  • Add points which are similar, or form points to make an argument: For one thing, In addition, Also, What is more, Moreover,

  • Or contrasts points in an argument: In other words, In fact,

  • Other useful linking words and phrases are: Rather, But, Furthermore, Yet, Whereas, However, On the other hand, In conclusion,As a result, The consequence of, Therefore, For this reason, Thus, Nevertheless, Firstly, Another similarity is that, Consequently.
  • This link shows useful information about Review of Cause and Effect Linking Words

Using appropriate grammar, punctuation and spelling. I was able to identify grammar errors easily and could rewrite the sentences correctly with no difficulty. I managed to correct most of the punctuation but had problems with three or four.

Having completed the language self-assesment from the Open University gives me a a fairly clear idea about the areas of language I feel more confident and those that need to be improved further.It is clear that I have a wide understanding of scientific text and I do not have problems dealing with them. Vocabulary and taking notes were the less dificultest tasks. However, expressing clear concepts and ideas in my own words is my biggest challenge in academic writing. Grammar, puntuation, verbs, linking words were quite OK, although. I consider that a further revision on prepositions, gerunds and hedging should be done.

Friday 9th self-study

Hi all, this time Jim has given a very useful webside about how to search precise academic literature for our academic writting. It is a web-browser with a lot of different academic sources on which we can trust and relay on.Here is GOOGLE SCHOLAR...

Google scholar is an excellent way to search for academic information in detail.From it, we can go through different sources as: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Cool!!! now there is not time waste...

What are peer-reviewed journals?. They are acedemic journals with scientific periodicals articles in which submissions are reviewed and selected for publication by panels of experts in the field. Peer-reviewed journals can be identified by their editorial statements or instructions to authors (usually in first few pages of the journal or at the end), and also by consulting Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, available online at:
What is Intute? Do you know any other similar sites. Intute is an educational free Uk webside that provides a data-base academic information in many different subjetcs. All material is evaluated and selected by specialists. Intute is like, a hand-built directory of the very best of the web for students, teachers and academics. Others useful database websides for those interested in science are PUBMED; SCIENCE DIRECT AND ELSEVIER, you can trust and relay on all the academic information they provide, PUBMED is one of my favorite although; because it has a very update and complete DNA, proteines and molecular information.
Do not forguet that you can trust and relay on all the academic information available on the web. Make sure you use a reliable web site based on academic sources, references, universities and institutions.Take some minutes to find out about how careful all the online information have been built and input in the database.